Friday, November 2, 2012

Vital Statistics

Here are a few alarming and thought provoking statistics involving our boys in America.

 For every 100 girls conceived there are 105 boys conceived.
 For every 100 girls suspended from public and private schools there are 250 boys suspended.
 For every 100 girls diagnosed with a special education disability 217 boys are diagnosed .
 For every 100 girls diagnosed with a learning disability 276 boys are diagnosed with a learning disability.
 For every 100 girls diagnosed with emotional disturbance 324 boys are diagnosed with emotional disturbance
 For every 100 girls that graduate high school 96 boys graduate high school.
 For every 100 American women who earn a bachelor’s degree 73 American men earn a bachelor’s degree.
For every 100 girls ages 15-17 in correctional facilities there are 837 boys behind bars.
For every 100 women ages 18-21 in correctional facilities there are 1430 men behind bars.
 For every 100 females ages 15—19 that commit suicide 549 males in the same range commit suicide.

I'm sure you would agree that these statistics are alarming.  
Why is there such a discrepancy between boys and girls in our society? 
What are we doing, or not doing, as a society to ensure that are boys have the opportunity to succeed?
While I have some ideas, I'm excited about the opportunity to make an impact.

Statistics taken from


  1. Have you ever read Wild at Heart by John Eldredge? Great book about what boys were meant to be when created by God.

  2. No. I have heard of it and plan on checking it out.

  3. Very interesting. Never knew that. Looking forward to future posts.

  4. David, you are right Wild at Heart is a great book. Also the program called Raising a Modern Day Knight is life changing. We have twin boys and a girl. It's a daily challenge to teach them and guide them in a way that God would have them go. Thanks for the insight cuz...(Johnny!)
