Monday, December 17, 2012

Brown's Safety Usama Young Visits the Gentlemen's Club

Thanks to Cleveland Brown's Starting Free Safety Usama Young for giving up valuable free time to visit with the Berea Gentlemen's Club.  Mr. Young did an awesome job of speaking to the Gentlemen on their level. He delivered a positive, encouraging message about continuing to strive for the best, setting a attacking you goals, and using all of your resources to be as successful as possible.
Thanks again Usama Young for your time, and GO BROWNS!!!!

Usama Young is representing the essence of this blog. "What can we do as adult males to positively influence the lives and futures of our young men?"  You would be amazed at the difference you can make by saying hello, and helping a young man feel that someone cares about them.


1 comment:

  1. That's awesome he spent time with the group. I know many athletes aren't great role models but it shows what kind of man Usama is when he speaks to a group like yours.
